Q: How do I know this is the right inverter for me?

A: First, how much total power (in watts) does your load require? The load level must always be LESS than the maximum rating of the inverter. * Pay special attention to heavy loads such as pumps, motors, power tools as they generate a very high surge current and must be sized separately!

Q: In my country, the split-phase system is used with 120 V / 240 V. Can I use this inverter?

A: We do not offer split phase inverters at this time. Unless otherwise specified, all of our inverters are 220-240V by default. You can use this inverter if you only want to run 220-240V in your country. However, if you need to run a 110/120V load, you need to purchase an external step-down generator.

Q: What does the 12V, 24V, 48V system voltage mean?

A: Each battery-powered inverter has a fixed system voltage or DC voltage that corresponds to the battery system input voltage required to function. Please do not confuse this with AC voltage. Typically, small inverters come in 12VDC, while larger inverters come in 24VDC and 48VDC standards.


Q: How many PV modules can I connect to this solar inverter?

A: Please refer to the solar PV charger section in this list. If you are not sure what to do, please contact us and add the solar panel specifications and the number of panels you want to use so we can advise you.

Q: I can't turn on the device with the AC input. Why?

A: This is normal. A battery bank with the correct system voltage must be connected to start the inverter, as it is a battery-based inverter. Batteries are required. AC input and solar input are optional.

Q: I have connected solar panel (e) to the inverter, but the unit does not seem to recognize it. Why?

A: Please first check the type of solar charger you have from the user manual and check the solar charger input requirement. Have you used panels with the appropriate voltage and current values and configured them in the correct formation (series vs. parallel)? The PV input voltage must be high enough to charge the batteries. For MPPT solar chargers, the PV input voltage should be in the "MPPT range".